Global solutions for multinational companies

Insurope has over 55 years of experience in helping multinational companies coordinate their global benefit plans through Multinational Pooling programs. Insurope is the market leader of global risk solutions for employee benefits, and we offer a wide range of products tailored to our client's needs, sizes, and risk profiles.  

Multinational pooling

Multinational pooling is a well‐established mechanism used by multinational companies as a vehicle to offer employee benefits cost-effectively.

With Insurope’s support, the local insurers that form the Insurope Network consolidate the results of their employee benefit plans - life, disability, medical, and retirement within the pool's framework. Premiums are paid by the subsidiaries to the Network Members that manage the local plans – including underwriting, contractual terms and conditions, claims handling, etc.

At the end of each year, the Network Members submit the results of their local insurance plans to Insurope. With this data, an annual report is prepared to detail the premiums paid by the subsidiaries, claims, reserves, and expenses. 

If there is a surplus, the company can receive a multinational dividend. Similarly, any deficit that results will be treated in accordance with the terms for the pooling system.

Another important advantage of multinational pooling is the Free Cover Limits. With these, Insurope's Network Members can offer high levels of coverage for life and disability without the need to provide medical evidence.


Our products.

We offer a variety of multinational pooling systems which ensure a flexible solution for the global risk financing of a multinational’s worldwide employee benefits. Our main products are:


For multinational companies with less than 1,500 lives included in the Insurope pool, and less than EUR 400,000 annual risk premium for life and disability.

  • Multi-employers pool arrangement
  • The pool has returned a high dividend to the clients almost every year since its inception in 1984.
  • The best performing small groups’ pools in the market
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Stand-Alone pools

For multinational companies with more than 1,500 lives included in the Insurope pool, and an annual risk premium for life and disability of over EUR 400,000. 

  • Single employer pool arrangement
  • The clients with a positive claims experience can receive an international dividend, and on average, 60-70% of our clients have received a surplus from their Insurope pools
  • A wide range of pooling systems available, tailored to each client's risk appetite
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Established global Network with leading local insurers

Insurope’s Network Members are leading local insurers occupying a top position in their local market. Carefully selected for their financial strength and proven proficiency in group employee benefit solutions, more than 50% of the Network Members have been with Insurope for 20 years or longer.

Easy access to centralized reporting

We provide companies using our stand-alone pool solution with an online customer relationship management (CRM) portal. The portal includes key documents such as annual reports, correspondence with Insurope, the pooling agreement, appendices, etc.

Dedicated account management team

Each multinational company has a dedicated Insurope pool account management team which ensures seamless access to the regional and local Insurope contacts and the local experts at our Insurope Network Members. 

Favorable terms and conditions

Multinational companies enjoy favorable terms and conditions with the Insurope Network Members.

Global free cover limits: high levels of Insurance cover provided by the Network Members without the employees needing to provide medical evidence. 

Global rating limits: also called pooling limits, protect the pool against high individual claims by capping the claim amount charged to the pool. Our rating limits are equal to our free cover limits.

Administration charge: local administration charges for life, disability, and retirement pooled plans are set according to Insurope’s worldwide scale, which means they are consistent and transparent.

Reduced costs with potential for international pool dividends

Multinational pooling allows companies to manage the risk of their employee benefit plans around the world. The different local employee benefit plans of a multinational company are combined to form a multinational pool. One of the advantages of pooling is the potential for financial savings in the form of multinational dividend. 

Most of the Insurope pooling solutions have generated international dividends to the clients because of favorable claims experience. The dividend will depend on several factors, such as the type of pooling solution, risk tolerance, and client-specific data.   

Multinational pooling solution for one country

Insurope allows for pooling to start with one country, provided that the plan is a group poolable contract that covers at least one of the following benefits: death, disability, or retirement. The plan enjoys potential dividends and Free Cover Limits, and the company has up to three years to add a second country to the pool.

unique service


Our service approach allows each multinational company to have seamless access to the regional and local Insurope contacts, as well as the local experts from our Insurope Network Members.

Insurope is responsible for the overall management of the multinational pooling program.

The local Insurope Network Members provide services to the local subsidiary and are responsible for the underwriting, contractual terms and conditions, claims handling, etc.



Are you looking for local employee benefits information?

Insurope’s Network Members cover 82 countries and are leading insurers in their local market for employee benefit solutions.

We can provide country profiles with information regarding employee benefits and local market practices. Profiles can be requested by completing the form accessible from the link below. We will contact you to provide the requested information.

If you wish to receive an Insurope country profile,
click here.