Nov 08, 2023

Launching Insurope’s Wellbeing Initiative and Solution—Care for Employees Wherever Business Takes You!

From life, medical, accident, disability, and pension—Insurope supports the delivery of employee benefits services delivered by Network Members locally in 83 countries worldwide.

Today, we're excited to share a new initiative that underscores this commitment in a profound and holistic way. We're thrilled to introduce our Wellbeing solution and campaign—Care For Employees Wherever Business Takes You.

This comprehensive effort is designed to promote and enhance the overall health and vitality of employees worldwide by highlighting the innovative solutions that our Network Members are offering to help improve employee wellbeing. From physical, mental, and emotional health, these informative resources aim to empower employers and their employees with the knowledge and tools to make informed decisions about health. Insurope’s role will be to serve as a facilitator and coordinator with information and communications of the local solutions and initiatives offered by our Network Members. It will be a global “wrapping” delivered locally.

We believe that insurance is not just about protecting against the unforeseen but also about proactively nurturing the wellbeing and happiness of every individual and family we serve.

Please take a moment to learn more on our new webpage, which will be continually updated with information on our Network Members, blog posts about wellbeing trends and initiatives around the globe. As the employee benefits landscape shifts, this effort showcases the ability of Insurope and its Network Members to adapt and innovate with customers in mind.

If you have any questions or want more information about our Wellbeing Campaign, please do not hesitate to reach out our marketing department.

Your ongoing partnership and support have helped make Insurope THE premier multinational pooling network. Thank you! Here's to a brighter, healthier future!